Represents using the name directly in the company logo design is not much easy as doing a symbolic logo design to illustrate the message. Proper use of typography is of importance key in the design of the logo, it must offer your company name with an elegant and effective, unlike the symbolic logo that can use pictures or symbolic illustrations to portray the message and the nature of the company. You can also experiment with many different fonts to further incorporate the level of creativity in it with confidence, can be use a good color combinations in addition to the use of shape and size of letters to produce a good and nice looking logo. An advantage is useful for logos that use different typography is to produce logo glimpse distinctive and memorable.
And it must be remembered, typography logo design is not necessarily complicated, a simple majority is more memorable, important and unique is better when it can represent the nature and personality of the company or imaged the message from business is run. The biggest benefits are easily identifiable logo, the typography logo helps in remembering the name of the company, but the typography logo have drawbacks because it can be seen generic if not well designed and creative. Below I have compiled with great care 44 examples of typographic logo as inspiration.
In addition to the 44 logos logos above there are a lot of well-known brand that is familiar to us all good to be examples, such as Google, Facebook, Coca-Cola, LG, Canon, IBM, Microsoft, etc. You have any advice please leave your comment.
Nice collection my friend. Loved it 🙂
Very inspiring typography for sure. Thanks for sharing these lovely logos. Lovely blog too btw. I’ll be checking out a few more posts before I go and will surely be back.
These logo designs are really awesome! I love typo in logo design 🙂
Great list, i love etin logo 🙂 simple and superb!!
Inspiring collection. Thank you very much for featuring two of my works. I appreciate it.
I don’t know why text in my previous comment is missing. I just want to say that I like this collection very much and give thanks author for featuring my works here. I really appreciate it.
@All, thank you
@Jan Zabransky, your comment is not missing, just waiting for moderation. Thank you also for your work, very inspiring 🙂
[…] 44 Examples of Cool Typography in Logo Design For Inspiration … Proper use of typography is of importance key in the design of the logo, it must offer your company name with an elegant and effective, unlike the symbolic logo that can use pictures or symbolic illustrations to portray … .. […]
can you make my logo?
my shop’s name is