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10 Killer jQuery Plugins for 2016

Articles, Plug-in|

Considering that every website uses Javascript in some or the other way it becomes00 essential to incorporate various libraries for its effective. While programmers may use extensive Javascript library, jQuery is one of the widely accepted libraries for creating interactive and alluring websites. It is important for the designers to stay well-informed with the latest jQuery plugins as plenty of old plugins get outdated with time.

8 Ingenious Tips for Tight Budget Product Photography

Articles, Photography|

If you’re looking to scale your online store’s operations, then shooting high-quality product images should be your number one priority. However, considering the limited bandwidth and the high cost of hiring professional photographers, it can be difficult for those working on a small budget to produce amazing imagery required to generate increased conversions. If this sounds like you, here are 8 tips you can implement in order to create incredible e-commerce photography on a tight budget.

Step by Step Guide to hosting your plugin on WordPress Directory

Articles, Guest Post, Plug-in|

The sheer number of plugins hosted and being added everyday doesn’t deter the users in the slightest. As such, the official plugin directory is the first place for a developer to share his work with the community (and get some name and fame in the global WordPress community in the process)

How To Make Stock Photography Customized

Articles, Guest Post, Photography, Tip and Tutor|

While it might seem like there is an unlimited number of images in the different stock photography libraries available, it can be difficult to find ones that look like they are unique to your site. Then there’s the fact that even if they do look unique, there is usually nothing to stop someone else using the same image unless there is the option to pay for exclusive right, which can be very costly. Furthermore, capturing the correct tone, setting and subject matter with a generic stock photo is not easy.

Local Marketing Tips: 8 Effective Ways To Use Plastic Postcards

Articles, Prints, Tip and Tutor|

Local marketing is challenging. Busy people don't pay much attention to marketing messages, unless they really standout. In recent years, plastic postcards have caught on because they grab attention while converting prospects into clients. If you haven't used a plastic postcard printing service yet, you're missing out on an amazing source of new business.

Ground Rules For Creating Outstanding Mobile Designs

Articles, Tip and Tutor, Web Designs|

This article will reveal a list of noteworthy pro tips that can facilitate designers to efficiently create a consummate mobile design that can sustain in the future. Whether you are designing a mobile website or mobile application, this guide will help you deliver a surefire mobile solution.

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