The blue color is natural color, is one of the three additive primary colors other than red and green. Blue is the color of the sky and are often used to describe the color of the sea. Blue can be used in a monochromatic color scheme includes all the tints, tones and shades of a single color tone or in analog color scheme on the color wheel.
The color blue in color theory to represent sincerity, harmony, trust. On the other hand also calming, loyalty and wealth. In its use designers often use it in a formal design and the technical industry. Blue is commonly used in printed brochures as it represents professionalism. From the standpoint, the blue color to add illusion of room feel larger or far away. In the health sector, blue is the color of renewing, healing and reflective.
In color wheel the blue opposite with the orange color, so it can be used as a complement and create a balancing in design. In this article I will present some examples of designs on logo, website, printing such as business card, brochure printing which designed in blue color scheme. That all can be used as inspiration in the use of the color blue as the main color scheme in the design.
Blue in Logos
Blue in Web Designs
Hull Digital Live 10
Centrigy Media
Surface Mount Assembly
Bounty Bev
Mail Chimp
Billy Tamplin
Vegas Uncork’d
Calma Medispa
Barack Obama
Blue in Prints Designs
Great & superb inspiration……..I really like…..Thanks for sharing…….:-D
Thank you mate! Glad you like 🙂
wow awesome collection.. I like it:)
@Rocky, Thank you and glad you like 🙂
super, fantastic
Very Nice!