We all are aware of the fact that clashes of opinions arrive between two people, especially in the professional world. Similar is the case with the logo design contest where logo designers and clients have several disputes among them. Verbal conflicts between designers and their clientele are widespread. This is because both try to subdue the other by imposing their will on the other.

As a professional logo designer, not only do you require the technical skills but also the communication skills to negotiate with the clients. This is because disagreements and disputes are part and parcel of the logo design issues. So whenever you get stuck into a verbal disagreement with your customer, try using the following techniques to avoid them:

Use E.Q more than I.Q:


The issue with many logo designers is that they are good at designing but not as well at other areas. They will be able to create brilliant concepts but at the time of dealing with clients, fail to have control over their emotions. The technique is to use your emotional intelligence more than your design intelligence to suffice the situation.

Substantiate Your Point:


Another good way to avoid a verbal tirade between the client and designer is to use sufficient data and evidence to substantiate your point. Instead of just plainly arguing on a particular issue, try to employ accurate statistics and information to show the client that your viewpoint is correct.

Employ Good Humor:


The old adage “laughter is the best medicine” is appropriate in these kind of situations where there is a clash of opinions between the client and designer. Whenever you feel that the conversation is going into a mess and could result in a serious fight, avoid it by employing light humor. Crack a joke or funny sentence to lighten up the tense moment persisting.

Learn To Accommodate:


Last but not least is the compromise rule in business. As we are aware of the fact that logo design is a business and clients are the real source of incomes, we must learn to accommodate their wishes. Instead of trying to impose our point, we can try to accommodate with the client by negotiating on a mutual consensus.