Becoming a freelance photographer is a dream for many. You will get both students and graduates competing for the job. The idea of traveling around the world, attending events and meeting different people is a dream comes true. As you know, being a freelance photographer is not as easy as it seems, you need to get used of rejections, it requires a lot of energy and also it requires someone who is hardworking.

Therefore, if you want to get started, here are some tips that you would like to follow

Do you have the resources to begin?

As you know, a perfect photo comes from a person who has exceptional photography skills. However, skills are not everything that is required in being a freelance photographer, there are other things like having the best camera, few lenses, flash, memory cards, spare battery, as well as a professional DSLR. To start, you will require at least $ 5000. Yeah, it is not cheap to become a freelance photographer.


Take photos of the things that you like

There are many different types of photography, and it is important for you to know what you like and what you dislike. Some like grimes of the city streets, nature or dirt. When you have identified what you like, you can gain specialty like travel photography, paparazzi, photojournalist, fashion photograph and many others.


Photo manipulation

As you know, nowadays it is not just about taking great photos, it’s what can you do with them in a Photoshop. Know that it can be a hectic thing even if you are great with computers and technology. However, you are recommended to take short Photoshop classes to be great in it. Furthermore, if you will not be able, there are online courses which offer the best step by step tutorials.

Make sure that you have a portfolio

Having a CV is a great thing for freelance photographer; however, it would be even greater for him to have an online portfolio. This will help you by enabling prospective clients find you quick and also let people see your work. All you have to do is look for the best photo hosting sites. When it comes to portfolio, ask your friends to look at the photos which you are about to post. When doing this, ask them to give you their honest opinions. If they like some photos, other people will like them as well.


Start small but start

Every photographer has to start somewhere, even if it is taking photos at a friend’s birthday party. However, when you are starting on your freelance photographer career, it is vital that you start small and work your way upward. This will save you a lot of expenses and at the same time you will start gaining popularity. Look for a well-established freelance photographer or intern in a company and work for them for free. You will gain a lot by doing this.


Always promote yourself.

For you to get paying jobs, you need to constantly promote yourself online and through other methods like using a business card. Unless you are famous, people aren’t going to approach you with work. Look for some small art galleries that will display your photos at an affordable price. This will be a great way for the public to get your name. This will also add credibility to your CV. Make sure that you have utilized the social medias to the fullest like Facebook and freelancer.


Talk less, do more practice

As you know, photography is a never-ending learning curve; therefore, try by taking photos from every angle or photos at every chance you get. Look up for blogs and articles that have details that you do not know. In other words, try to learn new things regarding photography every time you get a chance.

Keep records of your work

When you become a freelance photographer, it will be your business. Therefore, it is at most importance that you keep a record of your work. This means the tasks, your goal, what you require and many others. Do not look for files because it will be difficult to curry around, just have a notebook and write in summary form.

Become a freelance photographer because of love for photography and not the money. In other words, love what you are doing and you will get somewhere and also noticed.

Hopefully this article will help you in your quest in becoming a great freelance photographer.

imageWritten by Raj: Raj Kumar is a blogger and photographer who enjoys studying, surfing net, and watching videos on website design. He is currently working on projects techygeeks and techiestate.