What Makes A Web Design Start-Up Successful In 2012

Articles, Guest Post, Tip and Tutor, Web Designs|

Web Design has become one of the most popular and therefore competitive businesses to start up. Many young independent designers find themselves running their own business within the first year of freelancing without knowing much about how to run a successful business. Below are a few suggestions to get you up and running like a pro.

How sketching will take your design process to the next level

Articles, Guest Post, Painting, Tip and Tutor|

Everything is possible thanks to technology. Using computers, laptops, tablet PCs, mobile phones, etc. everything is done easier. This article however, will tell you to go back to the way things were done before, get your pen and paper ready and do your design. This article would also point out some important tips on how to get started with effective sketching.

Great Designers, Where They Come From?

Articles, Guest Post, Tip and Tutor, Web Designs|

So, you have come across sites that have made jaw dropped in wonder and awe. Yah, there are sites that look really cool and they make you wonder whether you will ever be able to design sites that cross the boundaries of average. So, how come some designers manage to come up with such great designs when you are working hard under pressure to come up with half as good as these.

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