5 Ways to Stay Motivated as a Graphic Designer

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In the graphic design industry, like in any other, we can sometimes feel lost, uninspired and unmotivated. But if you are really committed to the industry and your work then it often takes just a few small changes to reignite your love for work and effectively make you become a happier, and more productive person.

Make a Halloween Theme In Your Logo

Articles, Inspiration, Logos|

Halloween is always interesting and fun, giving the theme of Halloween on your logo will be very interesting, giving the impression of a fun, not stiff and certainly attract attention.

Free “ZeZe” Web UI Elements Kit PSD

Articles, Freebies, Photoshop Sources, Web Designs|

I am pleased to finally present a beautiful UI elements design which I called "ZeZe", With a blend of apple green and gray peachpuff which gives the impression of organic, soft, and cool, very appropriate if called sexy. This download file contain photoshop PSD file, layered and fully editable.

23 Letterhead Design Inspirations

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Good letterhead design and also other design of stationeries set is essential to attract the attention and impression of your readers, especially on first contact, in order to provide good corporate image and creates confidence of the reader.

4 Spooky Films to Get Designers out of a Creative Slump

Articles, Guest Post, Inspiration, Tip and Tutor|

As a graphic designer it's your job to have your creative juices flowing at all times. But realistically every now and then the well may run dry. To get rid of a creative slump, experts typically suggest listening to some inspirational music, reading a design-friendly magazine, or better yet watch movies that can stimulate the mind and bring forth creativity.

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