10 Simple UI/UX Design Blunders That Any Designer Should Avoid At All Costs

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A website needs to maintain certain attributes for it to remain an attraction to users and this centers around how user-friendly it is. This whole experience is based on the users’ interface and how well they can enjoy their engagement irrespective of their platform of access. Effective creative design can minimize ambiguity in a brand and give it a more global outlook.

Best Mobile and Web App Framework for UI/UX Designers

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Mobile and Web App Framework gaining all sorts of accolades and praise. Frameworks help the developers with front-end app development. The effectiveness of Mobile and Web Framework cannot be denied, therefore, developers take a sheer interest in the development of UI/UX. There are many mobile and web app frameworks available that help UI/UX to design apps effectively and easily.

9 Best Responsive Website Builder Platforms and Their Reviews

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Mobile is the new desktop. Mobile is already the preferred choice for most smartphone users. Responsive web design (part of web design that helps your website render appropriately on every kind of device such as a smartphone and a tablet) is, as a result, growing in importance. It makes practical sense for businesses to develop mobile versions of their websites or throw responsiveness into the equation while developing a website such that websites transform and render as they should irrespective of the device consumers use.

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