Beautiful Photography Used Negative Space Technique

Articles, Inspiration, Photography|

Negative space can help strengthen the composition and add more emphasis to your main subject

How to Show Author Avatar in Submission List for fvCommunityNews

Articles, Plug-in, Tip and Tutor|

How to show the avatar of news authors on community submission list with fvCommunityNews Plug-in.

Awesome Examples of Light Speed Photography

Articles, Inspiration, Photography, Tip and Tutor|

20 inspirations photographs by using shutter speed to make the spots of light make a stream or line of light. Dark night be color full of lights, photo more worth.

Guest Post | How to choose the right host for a WordPress Blog

Articles, Guest Post, Tip and Tutor|

WordPress is among the most popular blogging software and millions of sites and blogs run on it. if you have already decided that you will be running your blog on WordPress, the next step is to choose the right host for your WordPress blog.

Showcase | 32 Examples Website with Large Background Image

Articles, Inspiration, Themes / Template, Tip and Tutor, Web Designs|

32 Example of website which are nice in using large background image maybe can inspiring you as they inspiring me

Inspirations: Bokeh in Portrait Photography

Articles, Inspiration, Photography, Tip and Tutor|

27 Inspirations Bokeh in potrait photography. Bokeh in photography referring the area in the picture which are out of focus light to increase beautiful and dramatic image.

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