Call To Action Page Design Mistakes That Can Make a Convict

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Congrats, the design looks impressive and yours greatness as a designer is quite obvious. But wait, what about the Call to action page. It does not look that much awesome and if I am not wrong, the wow effect is conspicuously missing here.

Signs That You’re Working with a Bad WordPress Developer

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While judging a WordPress developer you should always be peculiar about certain points. A bad WordPress developer always gives you signs by which you can make out how bad he is. You should be smart enough to actually understand those signs. Don’t wait for too long as that might cause you a problem.

Great Designers, Where They Come From?

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So, you have come across sites that have made jaw dropped in wonder and awe. Yah, there are sites that look really cool and they make you wonder whether you will ever be able to design sites that cross the boundaries of average. So, how come some designers manage to come up with such great designs when you are working hard under pressure to come up with half as good as these.

7 Great Usability Tips For Web Designers

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Web designers today need to make their websites offer more than its worth to keep ahead of the online competition that is getting fierce day by day. Any website that is attractive and easy to use by its visitors ranks high in popularity. Therefore, the web designer has to keep the factor of usability on a priority when making a website.

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